Ceramic eyelet

【Filar Guide】Ceramic eyelet

  • Fields:
  • 1、Bright silk
  • 2、Black silk
  • 3、Shaped wire
  • 4、NanoRed wire
  • 5、Litan wire

Aluminum oxide (Al2O3)

Aluminum oxide is a typical amphoteric oxide, which appears as a white solid that is insoluble in water. It has the characteristics of high mechanical strength, non-toxicity, odorlessness, and insolubility in non-polar organic solvents such as water and ethanol. Because it is slightly soluble in acid and alkali and can dissolve in inorganic acid and alkaline solutions, aluminum oxide plays an important role in chemical reactions. In addition, the relative density of aluminum oxide is 4.0, and its melting point is as high as 2050℃, giving it high temperature stability.

Alumina ceramic is a high-tech ceramic product with excellent performance, and it emerged in the ceramic industry due to its comprehensive technical advantages. Alumina ceramic has outstanding properties such as high mechanical strength, large hardness, low high-frequency dielectric loss, high-temperature insulation resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, and good thermal conductivity. In addition, alumina ceramic has uniform particle size, smooth surface, white spherical porous particles, and can be applied in various industrial fields.

This spinning component is made from high-quality alumina nanometer powder and incorporates a unique wear-resistant formula. This special design not only greatly improves productivity, but also ensures the durability of the product, particularly under high load, high speed, and high temperature conditions. Therefore, you can use our products with confidence and enjoy long-term stable benefits.

Aluminum oxide Al2O3 (99.5%)

Item Unit Test Standard
Density g/cm3 3.92
Elastic Modulus Gpa 340
Coefficient of thermal 10-6K-1 8.5
hardness (HV) Mpa 1650
Fracture toughness Mpa 4.2
Flexural Strength (room temperature) Mpa 310
Flexural Strength (700℃) Mpa 230
Bending strength (room temperature) Mpa 2200
Thermal conductivity W (mk)-1 26
specific resistivity ≥1016
Maximum operating temperature (no load) 1750
Acid and alkali corrosion resistance strong