Optical molded glass lens sleeve

Optical molded glass lens sleeve

  • Fields:
  • 1、Optical molded glass lens
  • 2、Manufacturing equipment industry

Special material of silicon nitride

Using the technology of forming with ultrafine silicon nitride powder, materials that are resistant to high and low temperature instant changes can be produced, which have the advantages of low coefficient of thermal expansion and self-lubrication, thereby improving efficiency and increasing production capacity.

Technical specifications of silicon nitride Si3N4 material.

Item Unit Test Standard
Density g/cm3 3.2
Elastic Modulus Gpa 300
Coefficient of thermal 10-6K-1 3.2
hardness (HV) Mpa 1600
Fracture toughness Mpa 7.0
Flexural Strength (room temperature) Mpa 720
Flexural Strength (700℃) Mpa 450
Bending strength (room temperature) Mpa 2500
Thermal conductivity W (mk)-1 20
specific resistivity ≥1015
Maximum operating temperature (no load) 1100
Acid and alkali corrosion resistance strong