Precision engineering materials of silicon nitride
Precision engineering materials of silicon nitride

Precision engineering materials of silicon nitride

Hot pressing, wear-resistant, acid and alkali-resistant, and free of pinholes.

  • Fields:
  • 1、Semiconductor equipment
  • 2、mold
  • 3、tooling machine

Precision engineering materials of silicon nitride

The isostatic hot pressing sintering technology of silicon nitride is an important material forming method that can produce high-density, wear-resistant, and corrosion-resistant materials with excellent mechanical properties and chemical stability. Under high temperature and high pressure conditions, the material particles are tightly combined, eliminating pores and cracks. Materials produced with this technology have uniform texture, excellent mechanical properties, strong wear resistance, and good corrosion resistance, thus greatly improving the density and hardness of critical components in mechanical parts, wear-resistant parts, and conveyor systems, increasing the equipment's lifespan and stability, reducing maintenance costs, and improving production efficiency. It is widely used in industrial equipment and semiconductor industries, among other fields.

Technical specifications of silicon nitride Si3N4 material.

Item Unit Test Standard
Density g/cm3 3.2
Elastic Modulus Gpa 300
Coefficient of thermal 10-6K-1 3.2
hardness (HV) Mpa 1600
Fracture toughnes Mpa 7.0
Flexural Strength (room temperature) Mpa 720
Flexural Strength (700℃) Mpa 450
Bending strength (room temperature) Mpa 2500
松柏比 0.25
Thermal conductivity (mk)-1 20
specific resistivity ≥1015
Maximum operating temperature (no load) 1100
Acid and alkali corrosion resistance strong